Something on friendship:)

I've been thinking a lot about friendship lately more specifically christian friendship. How l can be a better friend ,what it actually means to be a "good" friend. There are so many examples of genuine friendship I'm the Bible so many scenarios where we see the beauty and depth of community and l just thought to my self if l were put in this situation would l have done that for my friends . Would l be selfless enough, gentle enough? Would l sacrifice my time and effort to take my friend to Jesus and lower him through the roof so he would be healed. 
Do l take my friends to Jesus for healing or do l watch them living in sin because l don't want to be "that" person.
There is one scenario were my friend confided in me ,the friend in question told me about the things they were partaking in their personal lives. Things which were not of Christ, things that were immoral and a sin against God.In a moment were l should have corrected my friend as any good friend would because love is correction in a moment were l should have brought my friend back to the principles of the Bible,l nodded my head and said "you know what everyone's doing it ,so it's no big deal." I regret my actions and my words because l claimed to love this person and yet l was okay with letting them live in sin. Knowing fully well what the Bible said about her situation, knowing what God said about the life she was living ,knowing all these things l kept quiet because l didn't want to lose my friend but at what cost ?? Her salvation.l hated myself for it but l did nothing when l had so many opportunities to bring her to God .l have yet moved on from this and it was a learning opportunity for me .
An eye opener if you can call it that ,we see so many people around us actively living in sin, people we claim to love and we let them ,when we know and understand the consequences of sin. We're so scared of losing the person and the relationship but is it really worth it. We watch our friends and family living lives that are so ungodly and we sit back and watch ,yet we call ourselves Christians ,the ambassadors of Christ.l cannot stress this enough guys we must speak the word not worry about how they are going to take it because if the price of the people we love finding salvation is them disliking us or calling us overly righteous then l think it's a fair trade. It's like Paul said in Galatians 1:10, "if l were still trying to please people then l would not be a servant of God." Before we are people's friends or siblings or children we are ambassadors of Christ and we cannot call ourselves that of our actions don't back the sentiment up. Let them hear the word,if they don't read the Bible they'll get it from you ,even if you think they are a lost cause trust me even the darkest places cannot escape the light. "Let your light shine before men." Lead them out of the darkness, what l like about the four friends is their resilience,they knew it wasn't going to be straightforward and it was going to be easy but they brought their friend to Jesus either way.the door was blocked so they used the roof ,they were going to get their friend to Jesus st any costs . Let's carry this and apply it to ourselves as people's friends it's not going to be straightforward, they might not take it well but BRING THEM TO JESUS!!!!!

Mark 2:4 ~Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. 


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