Faith and feelings

 "Now abide in thee, faith, hope and love.”

Faith is just so hard. It’s not easy to have faith when you’re facing trials and tribulation. When you’re in the fire waiting for the fourth man to appear it’s just so hard to believe. When you’re in your season of waiting and the miracle hasn’t happened yet. You’ve been praying for day’s week’s months even. You’ve given up and started over and still nothing.

I think the best reference anyone can use when talking about persevering through trials is Job. He’s literally the blueprint. The man lost it all and still stuck by God. That’s faith if I've ever seen the third Chapter of the book of Job, he has lost everything, he has sores all over his body he’s at his lowest and you can imagine what he was going through . One day he had it all and the next he had nothing at the third chapter of the book he is cursing the day he was born, there’s so much raw emotion you can feel in each verse. The point l'm trying to drive home is that faith doesn’t mean you don’t feel emotions. It doesn’t mean you don’t feel the hurt or anger or pain. Allow yourself to feel. Bring those emotions to God, he loves you so dearly so let him in let him know. He knows you’re feeling it but he needs you to come before him and tell him that is the only way he can heal you. yes, faith over feelings but feeling doesn’t mean you don’t have faith it just means you’re human and God knows that, He understand that he gave you those emotions because he wants you to feel.I'm talking about this because I've struggled with this myself l thought faith meant pushing my feelings aside and just believing and in trying so hard to ignore what l was feeling l struggled to hold on to Gods promises, l struggled to have faith.

Now let's talk about Sarah. We all know the story of how she finally conceived at a hundred years of age. Talk about waiting for a miracle. Eighty years is a long time to be in a season of waiting but when the time is right the Lord will make it happen.In Genesis chapter 18 verse 12 Sarah laughed when she was told she would have a child in the next year because she had given up on the notion years ago. She had given up so much so that she allowed her maidservant Haggai to sleep with Abraham and have an heir on her behalf. You can imagine the feelings that led to that decision, she had given up completely. I sometimes imagine she felt hopeless, she felt like she had failed Abraham as his wife, she had reached her breaking point and her limits. But God made her wait gave her the miracle in his time, when she least expected. She waited ,gave up on waiting even but god did it for a reason he always has a purpose And a plan cause thousands of years later were still talking about Sarah in the great chapter of faith that is Hebrew eleven she gets mentioned do you see how amazing that is. All lm saying is hold on , don’t stop praying your miracle is going to happen the Lords hand is not shortened that it cannot save nor his ear deaf that it cannot hear but in His perfect timing he will make it right for you. Ironically l'm writing this blog in a season of waiting for a miracle and believe me when l say l have felt it all the pain, the hurt, the anger ,at one point l even stopped reading the bible and praying because l thought God if you promises still stand if this is what you wrote in your word then why am l still stuck in this place and l have good days and bad days. All l'm saying is allow yourself to feel take these feelings to God you are human and don’t hate yourself for it when the creator of the universe loves you so much to sacrifice his only son for you. Get up pray and if you don’t have the strength to get up just sit down and pray talk to him tell Him what is on your heart tell him your angry tell him you’re losing faith. Even if you don’t get your miracle trust in Gods will and plan. I don’t know what you’re going through but you are going to be fine, He is with you and He loves you so much so that he would never let you go through something you weren’t full equipped to handle you’re going to be okay darling just Trust in Him, stand on his promises, set your eyes upon him and you will make it out of the fire unscathed and untouched by the flames.

“I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; l will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people.” Isaiah 42:6


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